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Trail Club Values

The Trail Club is a community of rich traditions and values.  We have attempted to capture the essence of what makes our community so “magical” to ensure new and long tenured members readily know the values which we hold dear. 
  • We are open and welcoming
  • We give of our personal time and treasure to the community
  • We are an intimately knit community
  • We relish the outdoors and are stewards of our land
  • Our staff are integral members of our community
We are open and welcoming
In order to foster a diverse and vibrant community, we must extend a caring, well-thought-out welcome to new and prospective members.
What this means: Too often, new members must rely on lore and legend to piece together an understanding of our history. More established members should help our newer members understand our expectations and embrace our traditions.
What this looks like:
  • New members: Plunge into all there is to enjoy at theTrail. Attend events!
  • More established members: Introduce yourself to new faces, invite a new member to join your table at club events. Ensure that annual traditions like the Trial Mix Party are explained with context and details both practical and poetic.
  • Seek out Trail members outside of your friend and age group - relish our intergenerational community.  Embrace and nurture our children.
  • As we seek prospective members, let’s build a community that reflects the world in which we live.
We give of our personal time and treasure to the community.
The Trail thrives on generous, consistent volunteer efforts by our members.  Our community remains fun, vibrant and financially sound as a result of members donating their time and talent.  
What this means: In order to sustain the rich experiences we all enjoy, all members, young and old, new and long established, need to find ways to give to the activities and operations of The Trail.
What this looks like:
  • Newer members - Become familiar with the various committees that support our activities.  Our committees welcome new membership and input.  Reach out to a chair or member of the committee and learn about ways you can contribute.
  • More established members - Recruit new members to join your committee. Invite them to meetings, show them the ropes.
  • Speak up! Bring your ideas and perspectives to the Club Manager or board/committee members
We are an intimately knit community
We all share this 1,100-acre haven, and our lives here constantly intersect. For this community to flourish and endure, we should always pause to consider “What’s best for our community?” and “How will this affect my neighbor?” when we make decisions.
What this means:  Sometimes we are asked to agree to things or pay for things that we may feel don’t provide an obvious or immediate benefit to our family. We may feel it is within our right to take certain actions on our property. Yet as a community, we need to consider the request, investment, or decision that best serves the broader need of the community.
What this looks like:
  • Get to the annual meeting or special all-Club forums to understand the range of perspectives on an issue or request.
  • Before you take individual actions, talk with your neighbor.  If you have any questions, check in with the Club Manager.
We relish the outdoors and are stewards of our land.
It is our great privilege to share outdoor experiences on our ponds, woods, and fields. We Trailers love to get out and play, and our natural surroundings are at the core of The Trail experience. Whether birding, playing tennis or pond hockey, or walking in the woods, we must care for the land and water, ensuring that all can enjoy it in its pristine state.
What this means:  Outdoor activities and appreciation for the natural environment bind us together as Trailers.  We work to preserve and protect the nature around us.  As such we have the responsibility to participate in the care and upkeep of our property, beyond our own plot of land, whether it is the trails, the beach, or oval.  
What this looks like:
  • Explore the range of activities that are available at The Trail.  If you aren’t familiar with an outdoor activity, reach out to a committee and join one of the many activities as a newcomer.
  • Ensure you leave nothing behind on the trails. Hike with a plastic bag so you can bring out your trash and anything that others have left behind.  
  • Pick up after your children and yourself at the beach. Our staff aren’t here to clean up after us.  When you see trash that isn’t yours, get rid of it so it doesn’t end up in the lake or the woods.
Our staff are integral members of our community.
Our staff are important to our community.  Many have been with us for years and have taught our children, pulled our cars out of snowbanks, fed us and kept us safe. The Trail functions smoothly because of their talents, their passion for this shared place, and their creativity. We are very fortunate to have them with us. They help keep our traditions and activities alive; they are part of our institutional memory.
What this means:  We treat the Trail staff with the same courtesy and respect that we afford fellow members and expect to experience ourselves.
What this looks like:
  • Staff are not here to do special favors or asks to serve our individual needs.  Check with the Club Manager or an experienced Trailer about whether your requests of staff is appropriate
  • Staff are not here to babysit individual families while on the job.  They are here for the safety and well-being of all 
  • Contribute to the annual staff fund.  It is the best way to ensure that ALL staff are taken care of each year.  There are many “behind the scenes staff” who need to be appreciated too!