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Children's Activities

The children's activities at The Trail Club are extensive, engaging, and fun. We offer a variety of activities for kids throughout the year -- led by experienced staff and member volunteers.
The children's activities are seasonal and run parallel with the Club calendar at large (e.g., hayride and pumpkin carving on Halloween weekend; gingerbread house and dreidel making during the winter holidays). We also offer activities coordinated when parents have special club functions to attend.

Summer is a particularly busy season for children at the Trail.  Offerings during the summer include swim lessons and clinics, tennis lessons, and clinics, riding lessons and clinics, sailing clinics, a week-long intensive musical theater program, and adventure/activity weeks.  
Adventure/Activity Week programming is a unique experience that member children have enjoyed for generations.  Kids of all ages join together and create life-long friendships.  They design personalized artwork, explore nature, swim across Pine Pond, often sing while they kayak, and play games (dodgeball and capture the flag are club favorites). It is a flexible experience geared around those who are attending.

Beyond all the planned programming for kids, children are incredibly fortunate to have a safe campus to navigate.  They gain independence by finding their way around campus --  not only to participate in the various activities offered -- but also to create their own fun by spending time at any number of campus locations such as the playgrounds, trails, or the Oval (large grass area outside the Office), where kids play pick up games of all kinds including Frisbee, tag, basketball, soccer, flag football or baseball; and friends' cabins. 
Throughout the year, children are a real focus at the Trail.  The Club aims to accommodate families and children of all ages.